
Personalien und Diagnosen


Sichtbarer Name: JPW1944
Land: United States of America
Bundesland/Kanton: Florida
Geburtsjahr: 1944
Alter: 80
Beruf: Retired Land Surveyor
Hobbys: Stamp Collecting, Exercise, Old Movies
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Daten bei Erstdiagnose

Datum: 03.07.2008
Alter bei Diagnose: 64
PSA: 5.80
Biopsiert? Ja
TUR-P? Nein
Gleason Score: 3 + 3 = 6
TNM-Diagnose: T1c N0 M0
Bemerkung: 6 of 10 cores positive, 2 over 50%

Maximal gemessenes Prostatavolumen

Datum: 08.12.2008
Volumen in ml oder cm³: 50cc

Postoperative pathologische Daten

Gleason Score:
Siehe Bericht vom:

Prostatakrebs - Behandlungen

** PSA-Wert zu Beginn der Behandlung
von bis PSA** Art Klinik Ort
10.12.08 10.12.08 5.20 HDR-Brachy William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, Michigan, USA


NEM = Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
von bis Medikament + NEM Menge / Zeiteinheit
01.07.11 22.02.12 Cialis none
Menge pro T/W/M/J etc.

PSA-Verlauf    ng/ml    logarithmisch

PSA-Verlauf    ng/ml    linear

PSA-Verdoppelungszeiten in Jahren

Verdoppelungszeit ist zur Vorperiode gestiegen.
Verdoppelungszeit ist zur Vorperiode gesunken.
* Berechnet auf 1, 2, 4 und 8 Perioden rückwärts.

Grenzwert = 3 Jahre

Berechnung der Verdoppelungszeit in Tagen

Verdoppelungszeit in Jahren:
Verdoppelungszeit in Tagen:
Datum PSA 1* 2* 4* 8*
22.05.97 1.50
05.10.07 5.10 5.88
16.01.08 5.50 2.59 5.69
03.06.08 5.80 4.97 3.57
28.08.08 5.20 -- -- 6.29
13.03.09 1.20 -- -- --
16.07.09 1.10 -- -- --
03.11.09 0.90 -- -- --
02.03.10 0.90 -- -- --
17.08.10 0.50 -- -- -- --
16.02.11 0.40 -- -- -- --
24.08.11 0.20 -- -- -- --
22.02.12 0.00
22.08.12 0.10 -- -- --
20.02.13 0.00
21.08.13 0.00
20.08.14 0.10 --
05.08.15 0.10 --
14.12.16 0.10 --
20.12.17 0.10 --
14.02.19 0.10
25.03.20 0.10
Datum PSA 1* 2* 4* 8*

Mein Bericht

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Datum Δ 

letzter PSA vom


31.08.2011 0.20 24.08.11
I was originally diagnosed in July of 2008 with low risk prostate cancer. My father had prostate cancer also. I really wanted to watch and wait but the cancer was over 50% in 2 cores of the biopsy and every doctor I saw recommended treatment. I did extensive research of every treatment and found that every treatment would likely result in the same 5 year outcome (a 90-95% cure rate) so I concentrated on the side effects. I discounted surgery by any means as I was convinced that the rates of incontenance and impotence were way too high. External radiation took too long and Brachytherapy (seeds) left one radioactive for a period of time. I settled on HDR Brachytherapy and I found that there was "cutting edge" research being done in the number of implants/treatments. The "usual" way this was done was 1 implant with 3 treatments over 2 days followed by another implant with 3 treatments done a week (or longer) later. I found that William Beaumont Hospital in Michigan USA was doing 1 implant with 2 treatments in 1 day giving the same radiation - the cancer being attacked with the higher dose with better results. Today, they are doing this with 1 implant and 1 treatment! I was treated in December 2008 and I documented the details on the website.

I am most pleased! My PSA dropped significantly after the procedure and has continued down in every test since. The only side effect I experienced was impotence immediately following treatment which was addressed with Cialis which worked very well. After a few months I switched to the daily Cialis which made me absolutely normal (better than normal?). Recently, I discovered that I no longer need the drug so I have regained my life completely as it was before diagnosis. The tempory impotence was likely due to trauma from the implant procedure or the radiation which may have resolved by itself or been aided by Cialis therapy. Who knows!

I am extremely pleased with the treatment and would certainly recommend that it be investigated by anyone in a similar situation. I know that it is still a bit too early to declare that I am cured, but I am very encouraged by the results thus far. It was not all that hard and I have my life back! It is all I could have asked for.
05.08.2015 0.10 05.08.15
It has been about 8 years. Couldn't be better. Effectively "cured".

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